Environment variables¶
Depends on the following environment variables:
$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2
$ export AWS_ATHENA_S3_STAGING_DIR=s3://YOUR_S3_BUCKET/path/to/
$ export AWS_ATHENA_WORKGROUP=pyathena
$ export AWS_ATHENA_SPARK_WORKGROUP=pyathena-spark
In addition, you need to create a workgroup with the Query result location set to the name specified in the AWS_ATHENA_WORKGROUP environment variable. If primary is not available as the default workgroup, specify an alternative workgroup name for the default in the environment variable AWS_ATHENA_DEFAULT_WORKGROUP.
Run test¶
$ pip install uv or pipx install uv or brew install uv or mise install uv
$ make test
$ make test-sqla
Run test multiple Python versions¶
$ pip install uv or pipx install uv or brew install uv or mise install uv
$ make tox
Code formatting¶
The code formatting uses ruff.
Appy format¶
$ make fmt
Check format¶
$ make chk
GitHub Actions¶
GitHub Actions uses OpenID Connect (OIDC) to access AWS resources. You will need to refer to the GitHub Actions documentation to configure it.
The CloudFormation templates for creating GitHub OIDC Provider and IAM Role can be found in the aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials repository.
Under scripts/cloudformation you will also find a CloudFormation template with additional permissions and workgroup settings needed for testing.
The example of the CloudFormation execution command is the following:
$ aws --region us-west-2 \
cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name github-actions-oidc-pyathena \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--template-body file://./scripts/cloudformation/github_actions_oidc.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=GitHubOrg,ParameterValue=laughingman7743 \
ParameterKey=RepositoryName,ParameterValue=PyAthena \
ParameterKey=BucketName,ParameterValue=laughingman7743-athena \
ParameterKey=RoleName,ParameterValue=github-actions-oidc-pyathena-test \